With “Ride The Wind” by Poison I'd like to open a short yet special set of bass covers. Maybe with only 3 or 4 songs. And these will be the songs that... well, basically helped me to survive. I guess everyone here had a moment or two in life when everything seemed to be absolutely hopeless and dark. I cannot call myself a very lucky guy but I was always lucky enough to hear the right song at the right moment. You know, that true magic moment when you're absolutely destroyed and suddenly...
Sometimes you don't have to explain you choice of the song. What's to explain here? It's Poison! One of their absolute classics, one of their best-selling hits ever and also one of those ultimate party rock'n'roll songs you love no matter what ;)
Don't even get me started on how many time I was asked to do this song and I'm really glad Travyss Drums and I could cover it together! Recording it was really a lot of fun, especially since my audience consisted of my wife and our three cats. That's what I call a rock'n'roll show... in quarantine... Anyway, I love what we did here and I hope you'll love it too :)