Oh man... here goes my rant :) The video for “Prime Mover” was on a video cassette I got probably around 1990-1991 and I was blo-o-o-o-own away! I mean it was a 3-minute quintessence of what real rock'n'roll was about, for me at least. It was something similar as watching “Looks That Kill” by Motley Crue for the very first time – like wow, I want to be like these guys :) The song itself is amazing, the lyrics are actually clever and the video is a freaking masterpiece – with all its heavy metal cheesiness, like cosmic ship, lasers, an armored personnel carrier, nuns turned into heavy metal girls by magic lights flying out of a guitar, monastery mistresses with their heads blowing up... damn, that's what I call fun! Actually, I just rewatched this video on YouTube and I got goosebumps, just like that first time.
The only thing I don't like is Zodiac's love to kinda-nazi caps but I googled and found nothing on him being a nazi. Only a couple of interviews of him saying he wasn't a nazi but just found those caps sick as hell for their shock value. That's a bad taste if you ask me but people used to look at it differently in the 80s.
There are currently no bass covers of this song on YouTube, which is not surprising since «Prime Mover» is the greatest rock song no one knows about :) It is my sacred duty to fix this.
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